Monday, April 13, 2009

[Druid, 3.1] the state of druid testing on the PTR, 04/13

Not a lot of news to report, especially since it looks like the patch will be live tomorrow.

  • Savage Defense was imba for a very short time and is now back to normal. The 100% always on shield was turned off, and it's back to the behavior that it's had for most of the PTR. Which means...
  • SD still overwrites itself and absorbs nothing sometimes.
  • SD still can absorb multiple attacks if they happen close to each other.
  • SD still has a really stupid enrage animation.
  • Swipe still has a good range and no target requirement
  • ...
Basically, take what I said back on 3/30 and redo it. Nothing's really changed. Okay, well, Survival Instincts went to a 3-minute cooldown (and yes, Karthis, the glyph heals for 15% more) but that's it.

I'm a bit disappointed that Savage Defense is making it to live with all these mechanical failures. But it's nothing I can do about it now.


Andrew said...

Thanks for the further testing, Kalon

Anonymous said...

How do we know the patch is probably live tomorrow?

Mitch said...

If it goes live all buggy like this . . . .


Copey said...

So…as the main tank and an officer of my guild, should I pull myself out of tanking duties, or at least be prepared to? If so I guess I better figure out what my other spec is going to be fast so I can get the gear put together to go.

Andrew said...

Quick question since the PTR client won't run for me: do lacerate crits still proc SD?

Kalon said...

Andrew - you're welcome. :)

Anon1 - we know because of comments like this from blue posters: "The "severe lack of info" might simply be because we announced it, gave further details about it, put it up on the PTR for testing and now we are basically on the verge of releasing it.

We certainly haven't been quiet about it. It is coming. And it is coming... soo... er... promptly. "

Mitch - yeah, I know. It's annoying. It's another feral mechanic that seems like it's fine and then doesn't quite work, just like potions, form changes, powershifting, hit boxes...sigh.

Copey - if you're the MT, I wouldn't sit. Druids aren't going to be so disadvantaged that you can't do normal modes with one. It's hard modes that may require you to use other tanks for varieties of reasons, and even then the first decider of who tanks what should be skill, not class. That still hasn't really changed, though there are some fights where you may want to consider another role.

Andrew(again) - Yes, SD still procs off of lacerate crits. That, at least, is a nice thing.

Anonymous said...

Ah thx, re the release date: I read that comment too - its just the blues trying to find creative ways to answer the kids' incessent questions. At least that's how I interpreted it. It's not going live tomorrow, you can bet on it.